Friday, September 18, 2009

The Creation of Adam

The artwork that I’m critiquing for Imitationalism is Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam. Adam and God are realistic and proportionate. The painting is definitely detailed; it was completed in less than four years without assistance for Pope Julius. There is lots of negative space between Adam and God but the space that Adam and God do take up is used. The quality of the painting is impressive though.

Though it does spark a kind of intriguing feel as you see God transferring the “Spark of Life” to Adam, I don’t think I feel like any emotions I’m feeling resonate with this particular work of art. The mood I’d say that this painting projects would be a serious feeling, other might ague that it has a triumphant are around it.

There is lots of negative space between Adam and God but the space that Adam and God do take up is used. Line and shape are use exceptionally in this work of art. The painting looks like there’s a smooth texture to it.

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