Monday, January 11, 2010

Impressionable Racism

The making of this PSA was grueling to say the least. There was one difficulty after another. We had some difficulties between the talent and the director. To make things worse everyone I my group was sick so even if it was for a day. I had to do a key point in the filming. Once we went over the initial due date. The it was on Rali and myself to complete the editing on our own time. There was also a point where we were missing footage(which we found (: ) Though it eventually got to the point where I was just sick of looking at it, here is our Racism PSA. I hope you enjoy it alot more than we did making it. ;p


  1. This our Racism video. It took longer than everybody else but it's done.

  2. hey, lolol, pretty bad quality video(PixelsPerInch)i remember doin the same thing, ill see if i can put it up!!
