Wednesday, November 25, 2009

1) I did like this video because it went into black and white issues and misconceptions. It was two guys talking about racism through a game of chess.

2) The video gets it's point across in a kinda creative way. From the discussion you'd think that they're talking about racism but they're really talking about the chess pieces.

3) Though the video did not have any voice-overs or anything it did have a look at shots of the chess board, and of the guys talking. When the black guy's face(his name was never mentioned)showed annoyance at being the black pieces because he thought that being the white pieces would give him an edge in the game.The video its self is more if a dialogue than a narrative.The shots showed emotion such as annoyance,and confusion. The PSA didn't have a dark of serious tone at all, but I fell it got the point across nicely.

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