Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here is a Quick Summary of the article I read:

Sequencing is the foundation of any video story. Compressing the story really is the best way to go about it because filming every thing in real time will BORE THE AUDIENCE TO DEATH. Filming a scene for ten seconds per frame will get the point across without showing you the viewer every single detail.It is important for things like this to learned because theses are the fundamentals of editing. The question of where the scene is going is important, if the movements are anticipated it will make for better structure in the scene. Don't pan of zoom, just let the scene come and go. Throwing in two of the same shots are bad. It does annoy the audience or it at least raises questions. And last B.roll is good to have in some instances. It gives the editor more to work with and it'll make the editor's life A LOT easier.

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